Monday, May 7, 2012

Coming to a Close

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement, nerves and tears, as my time as a collegiate member of Alpha Phi comes to a close. For those who have been in a sorority or been apart of any special group, I'm sure you know the feeling of going to your last meeting, or watching your big/mentor graduate and start a new part of their life. It's a feeling that I've been anticipating since last summer, before I even came back to school. I can remember people asking me "How excited are you to go back?" or "Can you believe this is your senior year?" and I always told them that though I was ready to be back in my college town, I wasn't ready for everything I know and love to end. 

An end to one huge part of my life & the beginning of something amazing.

I decided that since it was one of my last weekends with these girls, I was going to make the most of it! On Thursday night, I attended our last mixer of the semester. It was toga themed and held at bar in town.
On Friday, I spent the night helping my little and g-little make sashes for our Alpha Phi formal awards! Then we got so tired, Kaitlyn & I ended up having a sleepover in Katy's room:)

On Saturday, Alpha Phi held its annual Mom's Day Luncheon, so my parents came into town to spend the day with me. Mama and I had a great time painting picture frames, having lunch and meeting the other A-Phi moms! Then after a nap, the three of us had some great Mexican food for dinner.
On Saturday night, I attended the final concert for Ear Candy, an all-girls a capella group on campus. My roommate from freshman year is a member and is getting ready to graduate as well. Since this was her last time singing with them, I wanted to make sure I was there! She did amazing job and we had a great time going out to eat after.
Credit to Katie Watson

On Sunday, I attended my last chapter meeting of Alpha Phi. We had a special ceremony to celebrate the seniors and I was able to read a funny poem that I wrote to everyone.

The Alpha Phi Seniors
After the ceremony, the Princess Family had dinner together at the same place that we ate the first time we ever had a family dinner.

I will miss each and every one of them so so much!


  1. Oh my word! I have been reading your blog for awhile but I just joined Alpha Phi on Friday! I didn't put two and two together until now. Congrats!

  2. Graduation was one of the happiest days of my life..but it is also a sad day. Let me tell you that after 6 years that I have graduated..all my line sisters came to my wedding wedding really have to work at keeping in touch...but it is those special weekends when you guys "catch up" that build memories!

  3. Congrats on your graduation! Remember you'll always be an Alpha Phi, even when you graduate! <3 AOE
